Activity Report
This section highlights the past activities of the Institute for Motivational Studies and Research (IMSAR).
- March 31,
- At the request of the Society of Education of Secretary and Service and Receiving Visitors,What is the Function of Motivation,which is the Key to Growth? written by Researcher Satomi Ishibashi was published on pp. 62-67 in the 32nd edition of Human Skill Education Studies.
- March 29,
- Published the 13th edition of the Japanese Journal of Motivational Studies
One special contribution,two materials for submitted papers (with peer review),and an abstract on the forum were published.
- March 18,
- Researchers Yukiko Iso and Hiroko Kobayashi served as instructors in the third “Let’s Think about the Way to Set a Goal and the Learning Method,” which is a lecture for the fourth grade of elementary school,at Sumida Municipal Tachibanaazumanomori Elementary School.”
- January 24,
- Researchers Yukiko Iso and Hiroko Kobayashi served as instructors in the second “Let’s Think about the Way to Set a Goal and the Learning Method,” which is a lecture for the fourth grade of elementary school,at Sumida Municipal Tachibanaazumanomori Elementary School.
- January 21,
- As part of the 19th Form of the Institute for Motivational Studies and Research,a symposium was held at Tokyo Future University (Moderator: Advisor Takashi Kakuyama / Facilitator: Researcher Satomi Ishibashi).
[Theme of the Symposium]
Issues that Organizations should Address toward the Improvement of Employees’ Motivation and Engagement
Mr. Nobutaka Ishiyama,Professor of the Hosei Graduate School of Regional Policy Design
Why is Japan’s Engagement Ranked at the Bottom in the World? -Think about It from the Perspective of Job Crafting-
Mr. Takashi Oshima,Director of Motivation and Engineering Institute and
Executive Officer of Link and Motivation Inc.
Human Capital Management and Engagement - Toward the Simultaneous Pursuit of Corporate Value Improvement and Improvement of Job Satisfaction~
Mr. Hiroshi Takeda,Chief of the Career Support Office,Nippeco Ltd.
Initiatives for the Improvement of Work Engagement by Nippeco Ltd.
- January 15,
- Researchers Yukiko Iso and Hiroko Kobayashi served as instructors in the first “Let’s Think about the Way to Set a Goal and the Learning Method,” which is a lecture for the fourth grade of elementary school,at Sumida Municipal Tachibanaazumanomori Elementary School in Tokyo.
- From October 1,
2023,to March 31,2024
- As the activities of the industry-academia partnership with Mitsubishi Electric Corporation,a consulting contract was concluded for the Estimate of Motivation by Data Analyses. Researchers Satomi Ishibashi and Shin Nakamine were chosen to provide consultations.
- September 25,
- Researcher Yukiko Iso served as an instructor under the theme of Psychological Elements Pertaining to Learning Motivation and Involvement of Surrounding Adults (Teachers and Parents) for teachers at Sumida Municipal Tachibanaazumanomori Elementary School in Tokyo.
- From August 10 to September 10,
- We made a poster presentation at the 65th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Educational Psychology (2023).
Practice of the Lecture for the Self-Regulating Learning Method in Junior High Schools -Under the Theme of the Ideal State of Studying at Home toward the Regular Examination- by Hiroko Kobayashi and Yukiko Iso
- June 28,
- At the request of the Training Institute for Correctional Personnel of the Ministry of Justice,Advisor Takashi Kakuyama,Director Ikko Takahashi,and Researcher Yukiko Iso provided consultations for motivation for prison labor.
- June 16,
- Researcher Hiroko Kobayashi served as an instructor under the theme of Spontaneous Motivation -Fostering and Evaluation of Motivation- for teachers at the workshop within Nagareyama Municipal Shinkawa Elementary School.
- June 14 and 21,
- Institute for Motivational Studies and Research’s Annual General Meeting in FY
2023 was held. The structure of the institute and the income and expenditure budget in FY
2023,as well as the holding of the regular forum and publication of the 12th edition of the Japanese Journal of Motivational Studies as the activity report in FY 2022,were confirmed.
- April
2023 (Ongoing)
- Director Ikko Takahashi was in charge of the development cooperation in “Motivation Check” in the Momoiku Seminar (an online learning site for childcare workers,which is run by Sanko Gakuen,an incorporated educational institution).
- March 29,
- Published the 12th Edition of the Japanese Journal of Motivational Studies
Two submitted papers (with peer review) and one abstract on the forum were published.
- March 15,
- Researcher Kenji Hanita gave a lecture on the subject of Comparison of Psychological Elements Pertaining to Motivation for Learning in Terms of Academic Years and Changes in School Grades - Using the Data from FY 2017 to FY 2022 (recording) in “To Foster Motivation for Learning: Use of the Scale to Measure Motivation for Learning (I_12 Initiatives Based on the Results of the Collaborative Research on Motivation for Learning in the Sumida City New Three-Year Plan for Academic Development [second plan]),” which was hosted by the Sumida Educational Research Institute in the Secretariat of the Sumida City Board of Education in Tokyo.
- February 20 and 23,
- Researcher Satomi Ishibashi gave a lecture on the subject of Perspective to Capture Work Motivation and Researcher Shin Nakamine gave a lecture on the subject Fundamentals of Psychometry at Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.
- February 23,
- We invited Mr. Hiroshi Ikeda (an associate professor of the Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies,Kyushu University) and held the 18th Forum of the Institute for Motivational Studies and Research,Another Theory of Motivation: To Vigorously Work at the Job that Requires Avoidance of Failure,at Tokyo Future University.
- February 8,
- At the request of the Editorial Department of Kanekoshobo,“Consider the Psychology of Falling in Love that is All over the Streets: The Dating App. Edition” written by Researcher Shin Nakamine was posted on Kanekoshobo’s note.
- November 30,
- Researchers Yukiko Iso and Hiroko Kobayashi served as instructors for the third “Let’s Acquire Study Habits,” which was the lecture for the students who were in their second year in junior high school,at Sumida Municipal Bunka Junior High School in Tokyo.
- November 18,
- At the request of the Editorial Department of Kanekoshobo,“The conflict of a broken heart doesn't mean much” written by Researcher Shin Nakamine was posted on Kanekoshobo’s note.
- November 9,
- At the request of an interview from the Advanced Technology Institute for Family Formation,Researcher Shin Nakamine answered on “Marriage Hunting to Start from Their 20s,” which was published in the SEEKERS journal.
- November 2,
- Researcher Kenji Hanita served as an instructor under the theme of “Improvement of Motivation for Learning toward Individual and Optimal Learning” for teachers at the workshop within Sumida Municipal Honjo Junior High School in Tokyo.
- October 31,
- Researchers Yukiko Iso and Hiroko Kobayashi served as instructors for the second “Let’s Acquire Study Habits,” which was the lecture for the students who were in their second year in junior high school,at Sumida Municipal Bunka Junior High School in Tokyo.
- October 12,
- Researchers Yukiko Iso and Hiroko Kobayashi served as instructors for the first “Let’s Acquire Study Habits,” which was the lecture for the students who were in their second year in junior high school,at Sumida Municipal Bunka Junior High School in Tokyo.
- October
- At the request of the editorial office of Nursing Education published by Igaku-Shoin Ltd.,“Students’ Images that Teachers Should Know?: Before Saying,‘Young People Nowadays…’” written by Researcher Shin Nakamine was published on pp. 584-590 in the “Special Feature 2. Communication with the Students Nowadays that You Should Know as a Teacher for Nursing” in No. 5,Vol. 63 of Nursing Education.
- September 28,
- Advisor Takashi Kakuyama attended the third Review Meeting to Formulate the Sumida City New Three-Year Plan for Academic Development (third plan) hosted by the Sumida City Board of Education.
- September 10,
- Advisor Takashi Kakuyama gave a special lecture under the theme of “Fostering Children’s Motivation for Learning” in the 18th Convention of the Japanese Society of Physical Education of Young Children.
- July 21,
- Researchers Yukiko Iso and Hiroko Kobayashi served as instructors under the theme of “Initiatives to Enhance Motivation for Learning” for teachers at the workshop within Nagareyama Municipal Shinkawa Elementary School in Chiba Prefecture.
- June 22,
- Institute for Motivational Studies and Research’s Annual General Meeting in FY
The structure of the institute and the income and expenditure budget in FY 2022,as well as the holding of the regular forum and publication of the 11th edition of the Japanese Journal of Motivational Studies since the activity report in FY 2021 were confirmed.
- April
2022 (Ongoing)
- Director Ikko Takahashi was in charge of the development cooperation in Motivation Check in Momoiku Seminar (an online learning site for childcare workers,which is run by Sanko Gakuen,an incorporated educational institution).
- March 23,
- Because we receive a request for lecturers from the Sumida Educational Research Institute, the researchers Hiroko Kobayashi and Shin Nakamine made recommendations concerning the Project to Work for the Improvement of Motivation for Learning for teachers at Sumida Municipal Kototoi Elem
- February 25,
- In Involvement with Children Having Low Self-Esteem,which was a workshop within Nagareyama Municipal Shinkawa Elementary School in Chiba Prefecture,Researcher Yukiko Iso served as an instructor under the theme of “Mechanism of I’m Just a Failure Anyway - Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy that Bring About Motivation for teachers.”
- February 25,
- The researcher Yukiko Iso served as a lecturer under the theme of the “Mechanism of ‘After all, I’m Just…’” for teachers at the training workshop “Engagement with the Children Having Low Self-Esteem” held at Nagareyama Municipal Shinkawa Elementary School in Chiba Prefecture.
- February 10,
- At the request of the Sumida Educational Research Institute, the researchers Yukiko Iso, Hiroko Kobayashi, and Kenji Hanita served as lecturers (by recorded video) in the explanatory meeting for the Instruction Manual for Scaling Motivation for Learning for elementary and junior high school teachers in the city of Sumida as part of the project concerning the project to work for the improvement of motivation for learning in FY 2021.
- February 5,
- The 17th Forum of IMSAR
“Introduction to Performance Psychology for Everyone to Develop in a Joyful Manner”
We invited Mr. Yuji Moro (professor, Faculty of Applied Psychology, Tokyo Seitoku University) as a lecturer and held the forum in the form of online distribution (Zoom).
- December 21,
- Because we received a request for a lecturer from the Tokyo Kouritsu Gakkou Nancho/Gengo Shougai Kyouiku Kenkyu Kyougikai (Education Research Council for Hearing/Speech Impairment at Public Schools in Tokyo), the researcher Yukiko Iso served as a lecturer under the theme of “Foster Motivation for Self-Learning” for the teachers of special education classes for hearing/speech impairment at public schools in Tokyo.
- December 14,
- Because we received a request for lecturers from the Sumida Educational Research Institute, the researchers Yukiko Iso, Hiroko Kobayashi, and Shin Nakamine made recommendations concerning the Project to Work for the Improvement of Motivation for Learning for the teachers at Sumida Municipal Kototoi Elementary School.
- December
- At the request of the BAN Editorial Department of Kyoikusystem Corporation, “What is Motivation? How Do You Increase Motivation?” written by the adviser Takashi Kakuyama (president of Tokyo Future University) appeared in “Special Feature: Let’s Increase Motivation” on pp. 19-25 in the February (2022) issue of BAN.
- November 30,
- Because we received a request for a lecturer from the Child Care Section, Parenting Support Department, Katsushika City, Tokyo, the researcher Yukiko Iso served as a lecturer under the theme “Teamwork in a Nursery School” for the children’s nurses and nurses who were newly appointed in municipal nursery schools in the city of Katsushika in FY 2020.
- September 10 and November 9,
- Because we received a request for lecturers from the Sumida Educational Research Institute, the researchers Hiroko Kobayashi and Shin Nakamine made recommendations concerning the Project to Work for the Improvement of Motivation for Learning for the teachers at Sumida Municipal Kototoi Elementary School.
- August 16,
- We invited Associate Professor Hideki Ota of the Tokyo Future University and held a study session under the theme “The Basics of Special Needs Education -With a Focus on the Issues Concerning Taking Special Education Classes-.”
- From July 1 to 30,
- Because we received a request for a lecturer from Srust Inc., the researcher Shin Nakamine gave guidance and advice on statistical analyses for the requesters.
- June 25,
- The researcher Yukiko Iso served as a lecturer under the theme “The Mechanism of ‘After All, I’m Just…’” as the content concerning student guidance at the Student Guidance Section Meeting of the Nagareyama City Educational Research Workshop in Chiba Prefecture.
- June 4,
- Because we received a request for lecturers from the Sumida Educational Research Institute in the Secretariat of the Sumida City Board of Education in Tokyo, the researchers Yukiko Iso and Shin Nakamine made recommendations concerning the Project to Work for the Improvement of Motivation for Learning for the teachers at Sumida Municipal Kototoi Elementary School.
- May 31 and
June 14 and 28,
- Institute for Motivational Studies and Research’s Ordinary General Meeting in FY 2021
The institute’s system and budget statements in FY 2021 were confirmed, and the holding of the regular forum and issuance of the tenth Motivational Studies and Research as the activity report for FY 2020 were confirmed as well. As the business plans for FY 2021, we examined the holding of a forum while confirming the COVID-19 status. Issuance of the eleventh Motivational Studies and Research was confirmed.
- March 19,
- Because we received a request for a lecturer from the Child Care Section, Child Rearing Support Division, Katsushika City, Tokyo, the researcher Yukiko Iso served as a lecturer under the theme “Teamwork in a Nursery School” for children’s nurses who were newly appointed in municipal nursery schools in the city of Katsushika in FY 2019.
- From February 27 to May 5,2021
- The 16th Forum of IMSAR
“The Best Coach Measures” We invited Mr. Takafumi Hayashi (associate professor,Department of Business Administration,Asahi University) and held an online forum.
- March 2,
- At the FY 2020 Childhood Studies Course by the public interest incorporated foundation Adachi Lifelong Educational Promotion Corporation,the researcher Yukiko Iso served as a lecturer on “Communication Technique to Improve Children’s Motivation” for the parents of elementary and junior high school students and the residents of Adachi City who are engaged in jobs that involve local activities and children.
- From December 1,
to March 31,
- In the Educational Development Department at the school corporation Sanko Gakuen,the researcher Shin Nakamine served as a lecturer on the following content for staff members:
(1) Guidance and recommendations for the organization of data concerning educational affairs in the professional school sector and assistance for processing work
(2) Guidance and recommendations for the analyses of data concerning educational affairs in the professional school sector and assistance for analytical work
(3) A lecture on the social survey and its analytical method to the Educational Development Department
- December 22,
- At the (6th) children’s nurse and nurse training workshop in Katsushika City,Tokyo,the researcher Yukiko Iso served as a lecturer on “Communication within the Workplace that will Lead to the Improvement of Motivation” for children’s nurses and nurses working in public and private licensed and certified nursery schools in Katsushika City.
- October 23,
- At the FY 2020 training workshop for the newly appointed chairperson and vice chairperson (watching a video) in the Tokyo Minsei Jido Iin Rengoukai (Tokyo Children’s Social Worker Association),the researcher Yukiko Iso served as a lecturer on “Roles Required for Leaders” under the study group theme of “Think about the Management of Zenkoku Minsei Iin Jidou Iin Rengoukai (National Social Worker and Children’s Social Worker Association) With a Focus on the Regular Meeting” for the newly appointed chairperson and vice chairperson of the association.
- May 7 and 19
and June 8,2020
- Institute for Motivational Studies and Research’s Ordinary General Meeting in FY 2020
The institute’s system and budget statements in FY 2020 were confirmed,and the holding of the regular forum and issuance of the ninth Motivational Studies and Research as the activity report for FY 2019 were confirmed as well. As the business plans for FY 2020,we examined the holding of a forum while confirming the COVID-19 status. Issuance of the tenth Motivational Studies and Research was confirmed.
- From April 1,
2020,to March 31,2021
- As an implementation committee member of the School Corporation Sanko Gakuen: Program Development Project to Improve the Environment and Engagement Toward Long-Term Employment Support in the Childcare Sector in the Project to Comprehensively Promote Recurrent Education in Special Training Schools under the FY 2020 Project Commissioned by the Ministry of Education,Culture,Sports,Science and Technology,Ikko Takahashi,the director of the institute participated in the survey on the education program development and the education program development.
- February 29,
The 15th Form of IMSAR
The event was scheduled to be held at Mirai Hall, Tokyo Mirai University, with Dr. Takashi Hayashi (Associate Professor, Asahi University) as the lecturer.
However, in view of the situation of the new coronavirus, the event has been cancelled.
- December 23,
At“In-School Research Class,” an in-school training workshop held at Sumida Municipal Bunka Junior High School,researcher Yukiko Iso served as a lecturer on the theme “To Cultivate Motivation for Learning” for teachers.
- December 13,
At the Awarding Ceremony for the Persons of Merits in Shibukawa City Community Center Activities in FY 2019 and social education training workshop,researcher Kenji Hanita served as a lecturer on the theme “The Ideal State of ‘Mind’ for Vibrant Local Community Development” for the city’s education board members,social education board members,community center staff,general citizens,etc.
- October 5,
The 14th Forum of IMSAR
“Will the Olympics and Paralympics Contribute to Disabled Persons’ Participation in Sports” We invited Mr. Yukinori Sawae (Associate Professor in the field of Health and Physical Education,University of Tsukuba) as a lecturer and held the form in Mirai Hall at Tokyo Future University.
- September 27,
At the in-school training workshop held at Sumida Municipal Umewaka Elementary School,researcher Kenji Hanita served as a lecturer on the theme “To Improve Academic Performance” for teachers.
- September 11,
At the in-school training workshop held at Sumida Municipal Bunka Junior High School,researcher Yukiko Iso served as a lecturer on the theme “To Cultivate Motivation for Learning” for teachers.
- August 24,
We made two poster presentations at the 86th Annual Convention of the Japan Association of Applied Psychology.
Kenji Hanita/Hiroko Kobayashi/Yukiko Iso/Tomoko Hyugano/Ikko Takahashi/Takashi Kakuyama
“Examination of the Intervention Methods to Promote Elementary and Junior High School Students’ Learning Behavior (3): Revalidation of the Effects of the Confirmation of Self-Worth among Junior High School Students”
Hiroko Kobayashi/Kenji Hanita/Yukiko Iso/Tomoko Hyugano/Ikko Takahashi/Takashi Kakuyama
“Examination of the Intervention Methods to Promote Elementary and Junior High School Students’ Learning Behavior (4): Revalidation of the Effects of the Confirmation of Utility Value among Elementary School Students”
- August 23,
At the FD training workshop for the Faculties of Health Sciences and Healthcare,Fujita Health University,researcher Hiroko Kobayashi served as a lecturer on the theme “Enhance “Motivation”: Students’ Motivation and Teachers’ Motivation” for teachers.
- July 16,
At the in-school training workshop held at Katsushika Municipal Shin Koiwa Junior High School,researcher Yukiko Iso served as a lecturer on “The Ways to Cultivate Motivation for Learning Based on the New Course of Study” for teachers.
- July 8,
At the explanatory meeting of the “Instruction Manual: Measurement Scale for Motivation for Learning” in Sumida City,researchers Yukiko Iso,Hiroko Kobayashi,and Kenji Hanita served as lecturers for teachers..
- June 10,
At the in-school training workshop held at Sumida Municipal Honjo Junior High School,researcher Hiroko Kobayashi served as a lecturer on “The Ideal Class to Enhance the Students’ Motivation for Learning: The Ways to Enhance Motivation” for teachers.
- May 14,
Institute for Motivational Studies and Research’s Ordinary General Meeting in FY 2019
The institute’s system and budget statements in FY 2019 were confirmed and holding of the regular forum and issuance of the 8th “Motivational Studies and Research” as the activity report in FY 2018 were confirmed as well. As the business plans for FY 2019,continuation of the holding of a semiannual forum and issuance of the 9th “Motivational Studies and Research” were confirmed.
- February 16,
2019 -
The 13th Forum of IMSAR
“Stress of public service workers who went through the disaster”
The forum was held with Prof. Yutaka Matsui (Human Sciences,Tsukuba University) as a lecturer at Mirai Hall,Tokyo Future University.
- October 20,
2018 -
Mr. Hanita,researcher,provided a lecture with the title of “To foster motivation: from the perspective of psychology” for parents whose children participate in the Sumida Challenge Class.
- October 12,
2018 -
Mr. Toshikazu Sakuma,specially appointed researcher,provided a lecture with the title of “Motivation switch” at the seminar for PTA committee members of all elementary schools in Sumida ward.
- October 6,
2018 -
The 12th Forum of IMSAR
“Supporting families in the transition period - Families that experience divorces and remarriage”
The forum was held with Prof. Noriko Odagiri (Human and Social Studies,Tokyo International University) as a lecturer at Mirai Hall,Tokyo Future University.
- September 20,
2018 -
The business report for FY2017 was presented at Sumida-ku Higashi-tahchibana Junior High School.
- September 6,
2018 -
The business report for FY2017 was presented at Sumida-ku Yanagishima Elementary School.
- August 25,
2018 -
Part of the results of the FY2017 collaborative projects of the Sumida Education Research Center of the Sumida education board office and IMSAR,“Efforts for improving learning motivation”,was presented at the 85th meeting of the Japan Association of Applied Psychology at the Human Sciences Department,Osaka University from August 25 to 26,2018,and two presentations by researchers were given the excellent award in the division of “education,development,and personality”.
Kenji Hanita,Hiroko Kobayashi,Yukiko Iso,Takashi Kakuyama
“Study on an intervention method to promote the learning behavior of elementary and junior high school students (1) - Impact of intervention in self-value on self-evaluation -”
Hiroko Kobayashi,Kenji Hanita,Yukiko Iso,Takashi Kakuyama
“Study on an intervention method to promote the learning behavior of elementary and junior high school students (2) - Impact of intervention in practical value on recognizing value and pursuing interest in science -”
- August 23,
2018 -
The survey of the learning status in FY2018 and the feedback sheets from all the classes about learning motivation items,the collaborative projects of the Sumida Education Research Center and IMSAR,Tokyo Future University,were submitted.
- August 15,
2018 -
At the Sumida SST Step Up Seminar in FY2018,Prof. Iso,researcher,provided a lecture with the title of “Nonverbal communication with children - Clues to interpret signs and expressions of children”.
- August 2,
2018 -
Ms. Kobayashi,researcher,provided a workshop for the head teachers of junior high schools in Sumida ward.
- August 1,
2018 -
Prof. Takahashi,director of the institute,provided a workshop for the head teachers of elementary schools in Sumida ward.
- May 19,
2018 -
Prof. Takahashi,director of the institute,provided a lecture at Sakuratsutsumi Junior High School with the title of “Children’s learning motivation and families - To improve basic academic ability” for parents whose children participate in the Sumida Challenge Class.
- May 10,
2018 -
2018 Annual General Meeting of the Institute for Motivational Studies and Research (IMSAR)
The organization of the institute,the budget for income and expenditures in FY2018,and the activities in FY2017 were confirmed. The activities included an annual general meeting and the publication of “Motivational Studies and Research” Vol. 7. Also,the business plan for FY2018 was confirmed,which includes forums twice a year,cooperation with the Sumida education board,research and cooperation in practice,further improvement in the contents,and publication of “Motivational Studies and Research” Vol. 8.
- March 31,
2018 -
The report on the “Efforts for improving learning motivation”,the collaborative project between Sumida Education Research Center and Tokyo Future University in FY2017,was submitted.
- March 14,
2018 -
The 11th Forum of the Institute for Motivational Studies and Research (IMSAR)
“Psychology and the university aiming for well-being”
The forum was held together with the lecture of Prof. Ikuo Daibo (President of Tokyo Future University) commemorating his retirement at Mirai Hall,Tokyo Future University.
- December 2,
2017 -
The 10th Forum of IMSAR
Think about disaster risks: What we can do to have appropriate caution and take the right actions
The forum was held with Prof. Shin Hong Son (Psychology,Human Sciences,Tokiwa University) as a lecturer at Mirai Hall,Tokyo Future University.
- October 26,
2017 -
Prof. Kakuyama,director,provided a lecture for parents at “the briefing session reporting on the Sumida ward learning status survey results”.
- October 21,
2017 -
Mr. Toshikazu Sakuma,specially appointed researcher,provided a lecture for parents whose children participate in the Sumida Challenge Class during the first half of the seminar for them.
- June 15 and 29,September 7 and 21,
2017 -
At the workshop at Sumida-ku Chuwa Elementary School,classes were observed,and a guidance review was conducted at the research council.
Prof. Kakuyama,director of the institute,and Ms. Kobayashi visited on June 15,Ms. Kobayashi visited on June 29 and September 7,and Prof. Kakuyama visited on September 21.
- September 21,
2017 -
At the 81st meeting of the Japanese Association of Educational Psychology,a poster presentation was conducted about the “Promotion of learning behavior and examination of inhibiting factors - Focusing around the spontaneous motivation of elementary school children -” (Yukiko Iso,Hiroko Kobayashi,Takashi Kakuyama,Ikuo Daibo).
- September 2,
2017 -
IMSAR cosponsored with the Japanese Association of Industrial/Organizational Psychology and organized an open symposium with the title of “Consumers will change. Change consumers!” on the 4th floor of the B-Bldg. of the institute. The topic was provided by Prof. Mizuyo Nyui (Economics,Gakushuin University),Mr. Hideyuki Imai (former director of the Consumer Behavior Research Center,Lion Corporation),and Mr. Choken Yamakawa (president of ID’s Co.,Ltd.),the designated debater was Prof. Tetsuo Sugimoto (Economics,Sophia University),and the MC was Prof. Takayuki Watanabe (Motivation and Behavior Sciences,Tokyo Future University).
- August 16,
2017 -
At the Sumida SST Step Up Seminar,Mr. Makoto Suda (Pediatric Psychology,Tokyo Future University) provided a lecture with the title of “How to be involved with ‘children who concern you’ - Understanding and supporting development disability -” with the Sumida school support teachers. IMSAR asked Mr. Suda to give a lecture at the request of the Sumida education board.
- June 26 and November 17,
2017 -
Prof. Kakuyama,director of the institute,attended the Sumida academic improvement promotion meeting.
- April 25,
2017 -
2017 Annual General Meeting of the Institute for Motivational Studies and Research (IMSAR)
The organization of the institute,the budget for income and expenditures in FY2017,and the activities in FY2016 were confirmed. The activities included an annual general meeting and the publication of “Motivational Studies and Research” Vol. 6. Also,the business plan for FY2017 was confirmed,which includes forums twice a year,cooperation with the Sumida education board,research and cooperation in practice,further improvement in the contents,and publication of “Motivational Studies and Research” Vol. 7.
- February 25th,
9th Motivation Research Institute Forum
The 9th Motivation Research Institute Forum became a concurrent event as a public lecture along with the 10th anniversary of Tokyo Future University (sponsored by Adachi Ward).
“Supporting the Mental Health of Working People - An Approach to Both Individuals and Organizations”
Sayo Oba (Director of the Mental-Health Professional Support Center,the Medical Corporation Association Hirotomikai Kanda Higashi Clinic) was the guest speaker at Mirai Hall of Tokyo Future University.
- December 3rd,
Researcher Yukiko Iso held a lecture aimed at guardians related to improving learning desire.
“How to Praise and Scold Children”
- November 19th,
In cooperation with the Japan Applied Psychology Association,we held the public symposium,“Present Research Methods -Theory and Techniques,Implementation,and Prospects-” in Building B,Classroom 327 of our university.
The topic contributors were Kunihiro Kimura (Professor,Department of Behavioral Science School / Faculty of Arts and Letters,Tohoku University),Kazunari Yamada (Professor,Department of Social Psychology / Faculty of Sociology,Toyo University),Tokunori Ishizaka (Professor,Center for Research in General Education,Saitama University). The designated debaters were Katsuya Tasaki (Professor,School of International Politics,Economics and Communication,Aoyama Gakuin University) and Shuichi Ukutani (Professor,Department of Business Administration,Tokyo Fuji University). The MC was Junichi Taniguchi (Professor,Department of Psychology / Faculty of Psychology,Tezukayama University).
- November 19th,
Researcher Hiroko Kobayashi held a lecture aimed at guardians related to improving learning desire.
“Becoming a Child who Loves Studying - Learning Methods that Foster Desire”
- October 22nd,
Researcher Toshikazu Sakuma held a lecture aimed at guardians related to improving learning desire.
“How to Interact with Adolescents”
- October 6th,
Motivation Research Institute 2016 Academic Year Periodic General Meeting
We confirmed the continuation of the 2017 Academic Year collaborative research and implementation cooperation with the Sumida Ward board of education,and detailed review in the forum that was held.
- April 14th,
Motivation Research Institute 2016 Academic Year Periodic General Meeting
Along with confirming the 2016 Research Institute Structure and Income and Expenditure Statement,we also confirmed the periodically held forum and the issuance of “Motivation Research” issue 5 as the 2015 Academic Year Activity Report. As for the 2016 Academic Year Project Schedule,we confirmed the continuation of the twice-a-year forum,the continuation of the collaborative research and implementation cooperation in making further improvements with the Sumida Ward board of education,and the issuance of “Motivation Research” issue 6.
- October 29th,
8th Motivation Research Institute Forum
“How to raise learning desire - from the perspective of teaching methods and learning strategies”
Shinichi Ichikawa (Professor,Graduate School of Education,The University of Tokyo) was the guest speaker at Mirai Hall of Tokyo Future University.
- March 17,
- The fifth IMSAR forum.
“Supporting the self-fulfillment of the physically challenged and elderly ~Life functions supporting well-being and the tools (equipment) for supporting life functions~
By inviting Kiyohiko Nunokawa (Assistant Prof. of School of Human and Social Sciences,Tokyo International University) as an instructor,a forum was convened at the Mirai Hall,Tokyo Future University.
- March 16,
- The fourth publication of motivational studies―IMSAR.
The IMSAR published a report that summarizes various contents related to the motivational studies conducted in FY 2013 such as a symposium,extension lecture,various papers,and book reviews.
- October 18,
- The fourth IMSAR forum.
“Real identity of motivation ~Pay principal attention to the roles of emotion~”
By inviting Toshihiko Hayamizu (Prof. of Department of Psychology,College of Humanities,Chubu University) as an instructor,a forum was convened at the Mirai Hall,Tokyo Future University.
- May 9,
- Fiscal Year 2014 IMSAR Ordinary General Meeting
The IMSAR’s structure for the fiscal year ending in March 31,2014 was confirmed while a public symposium and forum were held along with the participation in a workshop as part of an activity report for the fiscal year 2013 as well as to confirm the publication of the third activity report. Additionally,it also checked the business plans for FY 2014 and the fourth activity report based on an income and expenditure budget.
- March 20,
- The third publication of motivational studies―IMSAR.
The IMSAR published a report that summarizes various contents related to the motivational studies conducted in FY 2013 such as a symposium,extension lecture,various papers and book reviews.
- February 22,
- The third IMSAR forum.
Theme: Loss and society in disasters ~From ill-being to well-being.
By inviting Kiyoshi Ando (Prof. of the Faculty of Sociology,Department of Social Psychology) as an instructor,a forum was convened at Tokyo Future University.
- December 24,
- The publication of a textbook for the advanced qualification of a certified motivation manager.
As part of the commissioned project for the Motivation Management Association,the IMSAR created an textbook titled “Motivation management for utilizing human resources to bring results” for the advanced qualification of a certified motivation manager jointly with Link and Motivation Inc. (LMI)
- December 14,
- The participation in the workshop with Hallym University,South Korea. (Daibo and Kakuyama)
The IMSAR took part in the joint workshop of the Toyo University 21st Century Human Interaction Research Center (HIRC21) and the Research Institute of Psychology,Hallym University,South Korea.
- December 7,
- Sponsorship for the public symposium of the Japan Association of Applied Psychology.
The IMSAR sponsored the lecture titled “Psychology of well-being ~”The application and practices of the well-being studies for now and future~“.
- October 12,
- The second IMSAR forum.
“Fostering motivation toward tomorrow to improve well-being”
Theme: Cults and mind control ―Matters resulting in interference with well-being―
By inviting Prof. Kimiaki Nishida (Faculty of Psychology,Rissho University) as an instructor,a forum was convened at the Mirai Hall,Tokyo Future University.
- May 25,
- Holding of the 57th public symposium by the Japanese Society of Social Psychology.
“Motivations help build a positive life”
The IMSAR helped convened the 57th public symposium as requested by the Japanese Society of Social Psychology.
- April 25,
- The supervision of the Leaders’ Bible.
The IMSAR supervised the Leaders’ Bible,which offers tips on becoming a capable leader by introducing case studies of various situations faced by high school student leaders.
- April 20,
- A joint hosting of “Front line of the well-being studies” with the Faculty of Sociology,Toyo University.
A joint hosting of a lecture by Prof. Shigehiro Oishi of the University of Virginia,U.S.A.,which was convened by the Faculty of Sociology,Toyo University.
- February 25,
- The second publication of motivational studies―IMSAR.
The IMSAR published a report that summarizes various contents related to the motivational studies such as a symposium,extension lecture,various papers and book reviews.
- January 26,
- The first IMSAR forum.
Theme: IMSAR forum,Why do people work~
―A motivation for well-being and work within an occupation―
By inviting Koichi Ono (Prof. of the Faculty of Business Administration,Asia University) as an instructor,a forum was convened at the Mirai Hall,Tokyo Future University.
- January 15,
- The website of the Institute for Motivational Studies and Research opened.
- December 3,
- Signed a cooperation agreement with the Institute of Psychology,Rissho University.
The IMSAR entered into an academic and research exchange partnership with the goals of forming a mutual cooperation with research institutions to promote wide-ranging research and practical activities including a symposium,workshop and information exchange about student education.

- October 30,
- The publication of a basic textbook for the qualification of a certified motivation manager.
As part of the commissioned project for the Motivation Management Association,the IMSAR created a basic textbook for the qualification of a certified motivation manager jointly with Link and Motivation Inc. (LMI)
- October 14,
- Extension lecture
Theme: A sense of well-being in an aged society.
Prof. Ikkou Takahashi,School of Motivation Behavioral Science,Tokyo Future University,was invited as an instructor for the extension lecture at Tokyo Future University.
- September 15,
- Extension lecture
Theme: Communication skills of the families with small children.
Assistant Prof. Hiroko Kotani,School of Child Psychology,Tokyo Future University,was invited as an instructor for the extension lecture at Tokyo Future University.
- August 26,
- Extension lecture
Theme: Fostering self-affirmation for high school students
Ryo Imamura,the senior executive manager of Katariba,NPO Katariba,was invited as an instructor for the extension lecture at Tokyo Future University.
- July 21,
- Symposium
Theme: Behavioral science of ties ~A story of motivations that increases the level of well-being~
By inviting Ryo Imamura,the senior executive manager of Katariba,NPO Katariba; Assistant Prof. Hiroko Kotani,School of Child Psychology,Tokyo Future University; Yayoi Kondo,Mayor of Adachi City; Prof. Ikkou Takahashi,School of Motivation Behavioral Science,Tokyo Future University as panelists,a symposium was convened at the Art Center of Tokyo 21F (Tenku Theater) with Takashi Kakuyama,a professor of Tokyo Future University and Director of the Institute for Motivational Studies and Research as a master of ceremony.
【more info】
- June 13,
- Signed a cooperation agreement with the Toyo University 21st Century Human Interaction Research Center (HIRC21)
The IMSAR entered into an academic and research exchange partnership with the goals of forming a mutual cooperation with research institutions to promote wide-ranging research and practical activities including a symposium,workshop and information exchange about student education.
- April 17,
- Fiscal Year 2012 IMSAR Ordinary General Meeting
The IMSAR’s structure for the fiscal year ending in March 31,2012 was confirmed while a public symposium was held as part of an activity report for the fiscal year 2011 as well as to confirm the publication of the first activity report. As for the FY 2012 business plans,it also checked the cooperation for the Adachi City’s 80th anniversary and the publication of an activity report.
- September 1,
- Establishment of the Institute for Motivational Studies and Research.
The IMSAR was established with the aims of promoting studies and research on motivations to respond to social demands,as well as to enrich the education and research on motivations at the Tokyo Future University.
Fiscal Year 2011 IMSAR Ordinary General Meeting
The IMSAR’s operating plans for the fiscal year ending in March 31,2011,were confirmed along with the formation of the IMSAR.
- June 18,
- Holding of a public symposium
Theme: “A motivation to study,work and towards tomorrow”
By inviting Prof. Shinichi Ichikawa of the Graduate School of Education,the University of Tokyo; Prof. Toshihiro Kanai of the Graduate School of Business Administration,Kobe University; Prof. Ikuo Daibo of the Graduate School of Human Sciences,Osaka University; and Yoshihisa Ozasa,President of Link and Motivation Inc. as panelists,a public symposium was convened at the Nikkei Hall with Takashi Kakuyama,a professor of the current Tokyo Future University and Director of the Institute for Motivational Studies and Research as a master of ceremony. 【more info】
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